Dr. Katrīne Morkāne
Dr. Katrīne Morkāne

Certified ophthalmologist-surgeon
Cataract diagnosis and surgery, refractive (sight correction) cataract surgery with multifocal lenses, corneal disease diagnosis, glaucoma diagnosis and therapy, retinal disease diagnosis and therapy, intravitreal injections
- 2008-2012 Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Continuing education, speciality of Ophthalmology (certificate No. 66049)
- 2001-2008 Riga Stradins University, Faculty of Medicine
Professional education
- Since 2012, an annual international conference of European eye doctors and surgeons in Europe
- Since 2012, a member of the Association of Eye Doctors of Latvia
- 2024 Advanced Cataract & Presbyopia Pesbyopia and Refractive Surgery Cataract Training Course, Alcon Experience academy, Barcelona, Spain
- 2016 ESASO Cataract and Refractive Surgery Training Course, Lugano, Switzerland
- 2011 Cataract surgery practical courses in Uppsala, Sweden
- 2010 GCP courses, received ICH-GCP certificate no.10-68
- 2009 3rd EGS Europe Resident Glaucoma Courses in Geneva, Switzerland
- 2008 VISION 2020 LECOP course in preventive ophthalmology in Lions International Education Center, Prague, The Czech Republic. Theme: Diabetic retinopathy.
Work experience
- From 2015 Latvian American Eye Center
- 2012-2019 Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Department of Eye Microsurgery
- 2014-2024 Clinic of Cesis
- 2008-2012 Resident in Pauls Stradins Clinical University, Department of Ophthalmology
- 2012 NOK Helsinki, international publication and presentation "Central retinal vein thrombosis therapy results depending on the timing of treatment"
- 2008 International Student Scientific Conference, presentation "Senile Macula Degeneration and Therapy with Intravitreal anti-VEGF Injections"
- Latvian;
- English;
- Russian